Hi everybody! I'm Dinah Dog! I've been with Lois over 14 years and boy, have we been through a lot of life in that amount of time. I'm still working my dog job, though, seeing as how it isn't over
A Pictorial Look Back at the Year of the Water Dragon
The Chinese Year of the Water Dragon comes around once every 60 years and I was born smack dab in the middle of the last one. I hope you enjoy this pictorial look back on the past twelve months of
Travel Confessions: Could I Be an Alien on an Extended Vacation?
I’ve never felt like I belonged here on Planet Earth. As a kid, I often thought a gang of aliens had dropped me here from Outer Space and now they were sitting out there somewhere laughing their asses off, watching
Breakfast on the Road
Traveling low to the ground doesn’t just mean that my little ten-footer is merely inches from the asphalt. It also means that I travel the back roads and over-night in the rest stops. And I eat dry cereal. I’ve never
Itchy Feet
I’ve got itchy feet. Not feet that itch but feet that want to go somewhere. They want to take off on a road trip. Or get in a plane and fly away somewhere. Itchy feet. I’ve got itchy feet. I