This past month, I participated in a blogathon where the challenge was to write an article every day for 30 days and post it to a blog. I actually completed the challenge, writing something new for each day I posted, except for that one day where I dusted off an article I wrote last year about free camping and re-posted it, adding some new information and updating the original information. Other than that one post, all the other posts were new writing; I was pretty proud of myself for finishing the month with 29 brand new posts!
Along with writing my own blog, I got the opportunity to read a lot of other blogs written by the 200+ other participants. The other blogs covered a huge variety of different topics – everything from ideas for raising children, to what to do with a couple skeins of yarn, to farmers markets in other countries, to sex after 50, to gluten-free recipes. It was an impressive group of people, that's for sure!
My own blog is primarily about my personal experience, strength, and hope when it comes to surviving and thriving in life after home foreclosure, personal bankruptcy, job loss, car repossession, business closing, loss of income and credit rating, and failing health. It's all a very personal subject to me, and my intention in sharing the details so candidly is simply this: that by telling you what happened to me and how I walked through/on/around/over it, I hope to let you know that you can rise above whatever is happening to you, too. We all can.
I'm not looking for sympathy, ridicule, or judgment. I'm simply sharing my life, such as it is, with you. If you share yours back with me, that's a huge bonus! I'd like to think we're building a community here; a community of individuals who share with and support each other when life throws us a curve ball we weren't expecting. I began writing this blog to help me get through the crap that was going on in my life, and I know I'm not the only person out there dealing with the ugly stuff – there's something truly magical in knowing we're not alone.
I also write about the places I've been, the flowers on the side of the road, the people I meet through Facebook or my blog, my Li'l Homey, some vegan recipes, and my Wonder Dog, Dinah. I write like I talk: clichés, slang, and big words all make their way into my writing. I guess you could say I'm a WYSIWYG writer – what you see is what you get. I call it my stream of consciousness blog – what flows into my head comes right on out my fingers. Read it, identify with it, comment on it, love me for it, but it's mine, all mine.
Okay, that's my brain's randomness for today. Kinda rambly. Maybe even kinda whiny.
But there you have it. Rock on!