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"I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip.
I'm going to be glad.  I'm going to smile a lot.
I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings.
I'm going to look for reasons to feel good.
I'm going to dig up positive things from the past.
I'm going to look for positive things where I stand.
I'm going to look for positive things in the future.
It is my natural state to be a happy person.
It's natural for me to love and to laugh.
This is what is most natural for me.
I am a happy person!" 

So many things in this quote jumped out at me that I just wanted to share it with all of you.

Bring some happiness into your day, too… pick one thing from the list, just one, and go for it! 

I'll bet you're a happy person, too!

Dinah Batdog
Dinah the Batdog is a happy person!


“I’m Going to be Happy!” Yes, indeedy, I am…
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3 thoughts on ““I’m Going to be Happy!” Yes, indeedy, I am…

  • July 1, 2013 at 11:05 pm

    hah hah! ok….im gonna be happy too1

    • July 11, 2013 at 10:14 am

      She’s definitely one happy girl, Maria! 

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