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I don’t have a television.

Every once in awhile, though, I get a chance to watch something on TV that makes me think I should get another one.  Yes, I used to have one.  I even had a great big one once upon a time.  watching tvI didn’t grow up with one so television has never really been a huge part of my day.  Or my life.  If I miss some program or other, I don’t think I’m going to die.

Movies, on the other hand… well, that’s a different story I’ll tell at another time.

Every now and then, I think I might need to have a TV in my every-day existence again.  This morning’s Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood started me thinking that way again – the 30-minute show included these topics:

…and it ended with some desert scenes in west Texas of vultures, coyotes, and tarantulas (desert rat at heart here).

It was so cool.  A bunch of my favorite things all in a half hour of television.

Yes, indeed, it’s a program like this that could dissolve my resolve and I might find myself running right out to find a TV and an antenna.  Of course, then there’s the issues of powering the thing – I’d probably have to get a solar power set-up or a generator or something.  And then there’s the part where I’d have to find a place to put it in my tiny trailer.

Okay.  Okay.  Okaaaay.  I feel some sense coming back.  I think I’ll just watch as much TV as possible in the next week while I’m house-sitting.  Or catch a show or two when I’m visiting someone who has a television.  Or watch some stuff on the internet (Sunday Morning’s segments are all online!).

But what a bunch of great topics this morning!  I’ll be smiling all day…

Some questions for you: What’s your favorite television program?  Do you watch a lot of TV?  What’s the TV program(s) you remember best from when you were a kid?  What program(s) would you recommend I watch if I had a TV?

Now, go click on some of those links above and check them out for yourself!

Think I’ll go turn the TV back on now…

To TV? Or Not to TV?
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10 thoughts on “To TV? Or Not to TV?

  • October 27, 2013 at 4:35 pm

    Hmmm. Unfortunately, I do watch more tv than I should. Well, with retirement at hand, a 50″flat screen and cable tv, its hard not too!
    Add to that my breathing problems, I don’t go out as much as I should. However, I do balance it with reading, because I do love to read.
    I have been enjoying watching the nature shows, (Nat Geo)
    and I love masterpiece theater, on PBS. (Downton Abbey, The Paradise) I’m addicted to British TV. I discovered Doc Martin on Netflix, I’ve watched all 5 seasons now, and I can’t wait for the UK to release season 6 here in the states.

    • October 27, 2013 at 4:41 pm

      Ah, Debbie, I think it’s easy to watch “too much TV” when one has something as awesome as a 50-incher!! Way cool! Sounds like you watch some great programs, too 🙂

  • October 27, 2013 at 7:49 pm

    Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood is one of my favorite shows. Really about the only one I watch. Sunday is the only day I lounge around in bed, read the paper, and watch Sunday Morning. And I was thinking the same thing – I think today’s program was one of their best. (You forgot to mention that today they also had a segment on Muriel Hemingway.) Great show!

    • October 27, 2013 at 8:51 pm

      It’s a fantastic show! I didn’t mention Mariel’s segment because I turned it on late and missed it – but it is on their webpage so perhaps I’ll go back and watch it now. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  • October 28, 2013 at 8:22 am

    You can see I am a little slow in responding, just read your blog. My first reaction was, I didn’t have TV when I was a kid. I guess that says something about my age, plus the fact I lived in eastern Washington. I remember them saying that area will probably “never get TV”. Amazing how fast things change. Thanks for reminding me about Sunday Morning, we don’t watch TV any mornings, but so worth recording.

    • October 28, 2013 at 9:31 am

      Hi Lorna! I don’t think it says anything about your age necessarily, because when I was very young, my parents and I moved to Southern California in the 1950s and we didn’t have a TV until I was a teenager in the 60s, even though we lived a hop, skip and a jump to Hollywood where a lot of TV was made. It was about their religious beliefs and the need to “shelter us from the outside world.” Even when we did get one, I was only allowed to watch it an hour a day after finishing my homework. But certainly living where there was no TV signal would make it difficult to receive programs! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  • October 28, 2013 at 9:06 am

    Recovering TV addict here. Now thanks to the web I can be a little more proactive and watch a documentary or research a topic or learn a new song to play on guitar. Buuuut…I’m still strare’n at a screen so shame on me but at least I have to make a little more effort to find some free WIFI.

    Nice Blog.

    – A fellow mobile minimalist fulltimer

    • October 28, 2013 at 9:26 am

      I do love to watch the stuff that’s informational and I’m with you on the finding free wifi thing – I figure at least it gets me out and about. Thanks for stopping by and leaving the kind comments. Happy travels!

  • October 29, 2013 at 6:57 pm

    testing 2

    • October 29, 2013 at 6:59 pm

      reply testing

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