Start with a coffee shop that knows what a real macchiato is. (Hint: it’s NOT a tall glass filled with caramel and whipped cream on top of some milk and espresso.) Walk inside. Look to see if they list a
On the Trail of the Elusive Macchiato
I love a good macchiato. I track them incessantly. I search for them everywhere. They are hard to find. Oh sure, there are lots of imitators and charlatans and barely disguised lattes masquerading as miniature macchiatos. But a true delicious,
Post-a-Day February
So….. my challenge for myself for the month of February is to post a post a day….ooooh, say that three times real fast – post a post a day post a post a day post a post a day. Sounds
The Stuff Heaven is Made Of….
Chocolate chip cookies. Who doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies? I’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t love them! The only discussion I have come across anywhere is whether or not they are better crispy or soft and chewy.
Just Another Lemon Meringue Pie (sung to the tune of “Tequila Sunrise”)
I love lemons – limoncello, lemon bars, lemon gelato, lemon meringue pie. So today, seeing the little lemon tree leaning over from the weight of all the lemons on it, I decided to make a lemon meringue pie. I picked