Having decided to find a new home for for Li’l Homey, I posted an ad on craigslist and wrote a blog post about it. It was two days before the Fourth of July holiday, which is probably one of the
The Times, They Are A-Changing…
Ah, yes, life moves on. And so do we, or else we get caught up in a never-ending spiral of sameness. At least, that’s my take on things, and looking over the past couple of weeks or so, I’d say
Camping at the Beach or How to Get a Month’s Relaxation in Only 4 Days!
Beverly Beach State Park, Oregon. Easily one of the coolest places I’ve ever camped in near the beach. At least, in Oregon. The little group at our site included myself with my tiny trailer and my friend, Tricia, with her
A Few Days at Mittry Lake
After spending some days at the Pilot Knob BLM land west of Yuma, AZ, I moved on up to Mittry Lake just north of Yuma. Mittry Lake is a wildlife area and home to many birds, both full-time residents and
Baby Got New Shoes!
Li’l Homey got new shoes this week. The ones she had were in perfect shape, with probably less than 2000 miles on them, but they were car tires with a very low profile and I kept dragging the tongue jack
There’s Something About a Breakdown…
Oh my, where do I start? Breaking down is probably the number one thing that keeps so many people from even starting on a road trip. We freak ourselves out with the “what-ifs” and the “I don’t know how to’s…”
Olympic National Park – a Mini-Pictorial
I thought we were just going to spend a few days in Olympic National Park up on the Olympic Peninsula in the State of Washington. Ha! Two weeks later, Dinah and I were still there. No cell signal, no service,