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A few months ago, I decided to switch my blog platform from one blog format to another.  Ah, the joys of switching it up.  Just when I thought I had it all handled with everything in place and all was well, I discovered that the subscribers from my old platform didn’t and won’t automatically transfer to the new platform and apparently there’s no easy way to get the “old” subscribers into the new platform.  Yay.

So I’ve tried something out just to see if it’ll work.  If you were a subscriber to my blog prior to January, 2012, please let me know, by posting a comment or sending me an email using the Connect page, if you received this blog post in your email inbox.  I know it sounds kinda funny weird – here I am asking for manual verification for something that’s this high-tech electronic communication system.  Too funny!  But I am serious.  You’d be doing me a huge favor if you could let me know.

And those of you who are “new” subscribers, well, you can leave a comment, too!  I always love hearing from my readers!

Thanks, everybody!

Oh, The Joys of Changing Blogging Platforms
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2 thoughts on “Oh, The Joys of Changing Blogging Platforms

  • April 4, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    Yes, I was an earlier subscriber and love it when I see you have an update! Ain’t technology fun?

  • April 4, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    Thanks, Lorna! I love the new format but it has challenged my “tech elbow” in ways I never expected 🙂 Have a great day!

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