Have you ever felt like you needed a break from life? Like maybe it was time to collect your thoughts, make some changes, do some thinking, take a walk in the outdoors to clear your head?
I’m guessing a lot of us use our vacation time to do things like that, don’t we? I know I did during my working years. A week or two to chill out and do nothing that relates to your real life… sounds heavenly, doesn’t it?
Well, it’s time for me to take a break.
Many of you already know that my body went off on its own adventure about 5 years ago, and even though I’ve managed to keep most of the issues under control, still others have recently popped their freaky little heads up out of the flotsam and jetsam. And now they’re screaming for some attention.
Time to take a break. From my life. To get well, to recover my health.
I don’t really know what this break will look like completely, but I’ll be spending my “time away” getting well: eating better, getting some exercise (there’s a local aquatic center nearby!), eating better, going to doctors, having lab work and other tests done, relaxing, walking in the woods, eating better, walking more, mindfulness and meditation, resting, eating better… and other miscellaneous things related to getting my body well. It’s going to be my body’s new adventure: being healthy and well!
- if you have a birthday coming up, Happy Birthday!
- celebrate Dia de los Muertos!
- have a great turkey day, whatever you do to recognize it; and
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Very soon, I’ll be singing along with Freddie again…
Lois, take good care, and feel better soon!
Lot’s of love <3
Thank you, Maria! <3
Charlie just read this to me, so felt I was meant to pass it on. Wishing you the best!
Talk about Walking
by Philip Booth
Where am I going? I’m going
out, out for a walk. I don’t
know where except outside.
Outside argument, out beyond
wallpapered walls, outside
wherever it is where nobody
ever imagines. Beyond where
computers circumvent emotion,
where somebody shorted specs
for rivets for air-frames on
today’s flights. I’m taking off
on my own two feet. I’m going
to clear my head, to watch
mares’-tails instead of TV,
to listen to trees and silence,
to see if I can still breathe.
I’m going to be alone with
myself, to feel how it feels
to embrace what my feet
tell my head, what wind says
in my good ear. I mean to let
myself be embraced, to let go
feeling so centripetally old.
Do I know where I’m going?
I don’t. How long or far
I have no idea. No map. I
said I was going to take
a walk. When I’ll be back
I’m not going to say.
“Talk about Walking” by Philip Booth from Lifelines: Selected Poems 1950-1999 (Viking Press).
Very serendipitous, Lorna. Thank you! (and thank you, Charlie.)
Have a wonderful, rejuvenating time, lovely Lois! And if you’re looking for inspirational reading material while you’re “gone” I just discovered this book I am head-over-heels in love with and really think you would enjoy. It’s called Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Lead the Way, by Tosha Silver. She is funny, down-to-earth, very irreverent, and madly in love with the Divine Beloved/Mother in myriad forms. She tells stories, and calls for signs and omens, from daily life, inspiring us to get in the flow with our own deep selves.
Enjoy yourself… if you ever want a reading (my gift to the healing process) just let me know. with love and blessings- S.
Yep! We all need a break from time to time. Relax! Breath Deep! Let the life energy flow through you! And, soon, you’re going to be a new “Energizer Bunny.”
Indeed… the Energizer Bunny! Ha! Thanks, Ed 😀
Well said and well sung…..
Best wishes on your break. Take care, get whole again.
As always, when you share how you are feeling, you strick a cord with me to start taking better care of myself…
I hope you do feel better soon!