I know we all want change at some time in our lives and sometimes change comes whether we want it or not! Could it be that change is what’s going on in your life right now? Do you feel like something’s changing and maybe you don’t know what it is? Do you want to know more?
Well, I might have a suggestion for you, one that’s helped me out in my own on-going changes. My friend, Marilyn Devonish, has written a book called Change from the Inside Out – Pathways to Lasting Transformation. She even has a sample chapter that you can download for free. And I have to tell you, out of all the chapters that she has in that book, when I downloaded the free one, I realized how much confirmation I’m getting from many places that forgiveness is at the core of change. For me. For the changes that I sense are happening all around me, in my life, to my body, to my soul. For our world and the people who live here. Change is everywhere and all we have to do is turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper or pull up an internet news page to see that the world is going through some major changes of its own. From protesters, to earthquakes, to gas prices, to things happening in our individual lives, change is going on all over! Perhaps Marilyn’s message of forgiveness is something that can ease the anxiety that sometimes seems to accompany change and maybe it’s a message that can be used to facilitate more lasting change for our globe.
Marilyn’s book is entered in a contest, sponsored by Chris Attwood and Janet Bray Attwood, looking for the next top self-help author. You can download that chapter from her book that I was talking about and vote for her by clicking here
Be sure to watch the video of Marilyn as she tells you in her own words what the book is about!
Thanks for writing the book, Marilyn!