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“Creativity on the road” takes on a whole new meaning with some of these rigs.  Which one inspires you to go hang out in nature?

Fancy a vintage trailer?  How about one of these little beauties?

A few vintage trailers

Or what about a luxury RV complete with a hot tub on the roof and a sports car inside ?

Luxury RV

Or maybe a bicycle with a little camper built on the back?

Bicycle RV

And then there’s the Gigwam – kind of like a Habitrail made from tents… for humans instead of hamsters 🙂


Or what about a cruise and an RV vacation all wrapped into one?  This rig even has air conditioning!

River RV

If all you want is dinner on the road, maybe this little 2-wheeled beauty will be perfect for you!

Bicycle with a built-in grill!

Of course, no matter where you go or what you drive, you’ll have to be able to park it!!

Gotta learn how to back it in!

And last, but certainly not least, it’s always important to keep the ol’ TP dry 🙂

Keepin’ the TP dry in a CD container!
Thinking About Next Year’s Camping Trip? Have We Got Ideas for You!!
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2 thoughts on “Thinking About Next Year’s Camping Trip? Have We Got Ideas for You!!

  • September 26, 2012 at 9:05 am

    Ha! This cracked me up. I especially liked the camper on the bicycle. One tiny hill and I’d be done but you would get a LOT of looks!

    • September 26, 2012 at 9:10 am

      Ha! Thanks, Nancy – I agree… one itty bitty hill is all it would take for me!

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