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I have friends. Lots of them. I’m blessed that way. I even have some family members that I count among my friends and I think that makes me especially blessed.

I have friends that I’ve known for years, friends I’ve known only a short amount of time, friends I’ve never even met, friends I’m related to by blood. I have friends.

The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines the word “friend” this way:

: a person who you like and enjoy being with

: a person who helps or supports someone or something (such as a cause or charity)

I think that that definition is in the process of being altered, or at least, added to, especially since the advent of Facebook and its “friending” vernacular, as in”I friended Alice today but Stephanie unfriended me today as well. So I’m still even the friend department.” Who knew that the words “friended” and “unfriended” would become verbs.

I’ve been thinking about what being a friend means to me and what having friends means, as well.  I won’t get all wordy about it today. Just suffice it to say that I love my friends. All of them. Even if we don’t have any pics together 😀

Mark & me in SF

Jessica's baby shower

Tricia & Lois

Friends Old & New

Nick and Isabelle heading down to sit near the waves.

Charlene's beer


oakley & happy

Lynn & me

Linda and the bright pink rhodie

Kathy & Lois


Loralie and me

blurry susan

Alaska Kathy and me

Some of these pics are of horrible quality, blurry with way out of whack lighting; for that I apologize! It’s the thought that counts, right?

I know I have more pics somewhere but looks like for right now, this is it. If you have a pic of us, post it in the comments – I’d love to see it!

Thanks for being my friend ♥

see you on the road

That’s What Friends Are For
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6 thoughts on “That’s What Friends Are For

    • September 5, 2015 at 9:05 am

      Yes, they are, Maria! I love that about friends: we get the family we always wanted to have 😀

      Thanks for reading and leaving a comment! Enjoy your weekend ♥

  • September 4, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    awwww wonderful pictures, just look at all that
    love. smiles. warmth.
    respect. appreciation.
    girl…you got it going on!
    I echo what Maria said above
    Friends ARE our family of choice!

    • September 5, 2015 at 9:07 am

      I became aware of how many friends I have that I’ve connected with that I don’t have pics of! I aim to change that 😀

      So cool that we get family we weren’t born to, isn’t it? We both are blessed with family that are also friends, too. How cool is that!

      Have a great weekend! ♥

  • September 5, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    Yes friends!

    • September 5, 2015 at 2:06 pm

      We’ve been friends a long time, my friend! I was looking for the pic of you and Teresa and me that we took right before I left but it must be on my “old” computer – I haven’t migrated anything over yet. I’ll do an update with pics when I find them!

      Be well!

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