Back in June of 2009, I celebrated my 57th birthday. I also left behind my home of 10 years. The vast majority of my household belongings had been put out on the front lawn and I had placed a Craigslist
Time’s Up, Vancouver!

Back in June of 2009, I celebrated my 57th birthday. I also left behind my home of 10 years. The vast majority of my household belongings had been put out on the front lawn and I had placed a Craigslist
Right before Christmas, I got the exciting news that doing a lot of driving was not to be in my future. The news came from the cardiologist (that cute Italian guy with the Christmas socks his wife picked out for
Have you ever walked a labyrinth? A few days ago, I was leaving the doctor’s office (I seem to be living in doctors’ offices these days so I don’t even remember which one) and as I drove south, back towards