Leaving the Pacific Northwest is always a little bittersweet for me: as much as I love the Portland area with all its great places to eat, wonderful friends to hang out with, gorgeous places to walk and relax and camp,
Come Summer… and Please Stay Awhile.
Today is Haiku Day at the WordCount 2013 Blogathon. Haiku is a three-line Japanese poem that has more rules than any other type of poem (so many, in fact, it's impossible to follow them all!) and is traditionally written about
A Sunny Saturday Morning
Something woke me up way earlier than usual this morning. It was the sun! Bright and shiny! Join Dinah Dog and me on a walk around the yard – enjoy the wonderful sunshine with us!
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Yesterday, I posted about the dark feelings I woke up with – the dread floating around in my brain as I started my day. Today, I thought I’d follow up. As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve learned what works for me