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I call my blog my personal stream of consciousness. It’s just stuff that floats around in my brain and lands on the page through my fingers hitting the keyboard. That’s all.  Sometimes the story is about my travels, sometimes it’s a story about someone I met or know, sometimes it’s a recipe, sometimes it’s just something that’s on my mind.

I don’t make any apologies for my stories.  Not any more.  It has taken me far too many years to acknowledge that my story is as valid as anyone else’s story; decades of believing that I wasn’t as important as anyone else left me not knowing what my story was, let alone trying to figure out how to tell it.  This blog is my attempt at getting the stories out of my head and onto a “page,” even if that page is a computer screen. I tell my stories as I hear them in my head or see them on the road.

Having said all that, let me also say this: if you don’t like my stories, I invite you to go find stories you do like; with 6 billion people on this planet, there’s bound to be a story out there that you like. Even better, I challenge you to write your own stories.  We all have them. Some are more entertaining than others and some are tragic, or funny, or poignant (I’ve always wanted to use that word and now I’ve done it!), or boring – but we all have stories. It’s your story, so tell it like it is for you.

The reason I’m writing this, this story, is because I was recently asked to edit one of my stories and add something to it. Initially, I said I would, but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I think I’m going to leave it as it is, as I wrote it. If you are reading one of my stories and feel like there should be something added or added, I encourage you to add a comment to the post with your additional information.  Comments are communication. I like comments.  In fact, I love it when people leave comments! I try to respond to every single comment that is left on a post; I don’t have a huge number of readers so I’m able to do this fairly easily.  (Take advantage of it. Some day, you might be able to say you knew my blog when it was just a wee thing and wow, look at it now!  World renown! A million hits on youtube or something like that!  I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to personally replying to your comments when that happens. hee hee.) I hope you understand what I’m trying to say here.  If not, leave a comment and I’ll see if I can clarify.

Anyway, my point is that this blog, Playing a New Game, is my personal story and how that story shows up in my head. I really appreciate every single one of you and love that you take time out of your busy day to read the words that show up out of my fingers when I tap on the keyboard. I cherish each and every comment that you leave – it’s that connection with you and other people that I crave. This space is where my brain goes to touch base with others out there who might have something in common with me.

So there it is… that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Me in front of Pilot Knob

Thanks for reading. Thanks for leaving comments. Thanks for being a part of my life! Peace and love to you all!

It’s My Story! …and I’m Sticking to It!
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20 thoughts on “It’s My Story! …and I’m Sticking to It!

  • December 8, 2014 at 12:38 am

    Love you story. You enrich my life. Your pictures and humor are enjoyed. Feeling like I am with you on the journey. Blrds words and blessing.

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:12 pm

      Thank you, Maggie! I love connecting with you! We bless each other that way, don’t we? I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment!

  • December 8, 2014 at 6:46 am

    thank you. Tho’ we’ve yet to meet, I feel the connection. As a Army brat I did not know roots. I learned to be a little nester, little as I was never sure when or where the next move would happen….despite, or because of this I also have a gypsy soul-maybe because it is my choice, not someone else’s . your travels and courage to do so, bring admiration and awe. As does your courage to write and share. Happy travels in distance and courage.

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:15 pm

      Sarah, I’ve met people through FB that I’ve never met “in person” that I feel I know better than people I’ve known for years. I wonder if it’s the lack of pretense that we bring to our fingers doing the talking instead of our mouths. I do feel like you and I have connected in a way that would never have been possible before FB. We’re family! Thanks for commenting, Sarah! I look forward to the day when we get to hug in person 🙂

  • December 8, 2014 at 7:25 am

    Lois, I love your stories and you too. And especially your hair!!

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:17 pm

      Hahaha! LaVonne and I got our hair cut at the same time in Alpine, CA when we were camping in the nearby mountains. What a hoot, huh?!

  • December 8, 2014 at 8:15 am

    I totally agree with you Lois. Your story is EXACTLY that! It’s yours!!! I’d suggest if you didn’t keep it real, those of us who have been longtime followers might not stick around. It’s your genuine self we are attracted to. Something in YOU inspires US to be better human beans. I keep remembering your story and pics of Baja with fondness. It’s the onliest thing that ever made me think I might go to Mexico one day. From Carlsbad CA for the winter, Marilyn.

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:22 pm

      Hi Marilyn! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Sometimes I get hung up in the story (my own story) and forget that all of us like to hear other people’s stories and it’s in the telling of them that we become close to each other. Thank you for reminding me of that.

      You’re in Carlsbad for the winter? I was in Vista until the beginning of October or so. Maybe I’ll get back there before you leave – wouldn’t that be fun! Maybe you’ll get a chance to go to Baja for a day or two while you’re there in Carlsbad. It’s so easy to get to from the San Diego area.

      Thanks for leaving a comment!

  • December 8, 2014 at 9:37 am

    Lois, I love your thoughts! I love to read your blog, you do what I would love to do, but can’t! I’m so glad I can live thru your reality. 🙂 Don’t change a thing and keep on being YOU. Love ya!

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:25 pm

      Thank you, Debbie! I appreciate your encouraging words. While I do sometimes wish my “lifestyle” had been the result of something I had planned to do, on purpose, it’s in the serendipity that I truly am alive. Who would have ever thought? Big hugs to you!

  • December 8, 2014 at 10:18 am

    run what you brung. there were 173.000.000 blogs oct 2011. tell em to go read them all and report their perspective on return. you are obviously a more polite person than i. nothing wrong with that. peace sign back to you.

    ice cream raz

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:26 pm

      Raz, you crack me up! Thank you for your words! You rock, my friend!!

  • December 8, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    yeah, AMEN to that…So many stories – some for you and some are not. “It is better to go live your story if you do not like reading somebody else’s” – that is my advice to those who make an effort to judge.

    Your story is part of something bigger and it is amazing to see where it leads and what new adventures it gets you into.

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:28 pm

      I know, Dace… it’s such a bigger picture than I can even imagine and I get reminded of it all the time. You, my friend, are part of that connection that keeps me alive and keeps me going. I’m sooooooo happy to have met you (and Nicole) in person and now I can truly say, with conviction, you are a part of my family! Yay!

  • December 8, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    Hey Lois . . . I love reading your stories. It serves as a way for me to escape into your adventures. I can’t imagine someone asking you to change anything. That’s just wrong. Anyway . . . keep on, keeping on. Love you girl. Nancy

    • December 8, 2014 at 7:32 pm

      Thank you, Nancy! I appreciate your words… and even though I initially said yes, I’d edit it, it didn’t take me long to figure out that this is MY story and that person can write their own!

  • December 10, 2014 at 8:17 am

    The problem isn’t about having stories others don’t like, it’s about having no stories to tell, or thinking you have none.

    • December 12, 2014 at 9:36 am

      Well, I do have stories, Al. Some people might say I have too many stories! For me, it’s about sticking to my story and not bending to the request of others to change/edit/delete that story. You’re right though – thinking we have no stories is a problem because we all have stories. That’s what makes us human. So let’s be human! Tell our stories!

  • December 13, 2014 at 5:16 pm

    Its a good story and you should stick to it.

    • December 23, 2014 at 10:27 am

      Thank you, Linda! I’m so sorry I didn’t respond earlier… For some reason, the blog is not notifying me when someone comments! It’s been a long haul to accept my story as my own and it’s encouraging when other people think it’s a good story. I think we all have good stories and accepting them as our own is probably the first step, isn’t it? Be well!

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