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I've been a little melancholy this past week and I've been wondering why.  Then yesterday, I realized today would be my dad's birthday, and I knew why.

Dad & meMy dad died in February 2007. 

He had been in the hospital for three weeks, and then he died.  My mother, as well as my brother and sister, were there with him.  None of them called to tell me that he was in the hospital.  And none of them called to tell me he had died.

Even though I no longer carry that gut-wrenching anger I had at the time that was directed at my mother, brother and sister, I still find myself feeling sad every once in awhile.  I think it's because sometimes I just miss him.

Sometimes I just miss him.

So here we go… all together now…

Happy Earth Birthday, Dad!


Happy Earth Birthday, Dad!
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2 thoughts on “Happy Earth Birthday, Dad!

  • July 26, 2013 at 1:18 pm

    oh dear Lois, i wish your dad happy birthday in heaven. you know that he understands why that all happened, and he knows you loved him. hugs, big comforting hugs to you.

    • July 27, 2013 at 8:23 am

      Thank you, Debbie!  He has a very kind and gentle soul and that part is still there 🙂

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