I’m sitting here at my cousin’s house in Las Vegas, my injured ankle healing… slowly, and I’m eating chocolate to keep my spirits up. Good idea, right? Chocolate is good for flagging spirits.
I’m also recovering from what I call “little kid germs.” You know, those unspecified ailments that seem to come along with being around little kids – runny noses, coughs, sore throats, low fevers, everything aching. Yeah, that kind of thing. So I’m feeling pretty miserable. Chocolate helps that, too.
Enter Dove® Promises. When you get bags of these little wrapped chocolate pieces, the inside of the wrapping has a message on it. An uplifting, positive message. Guess what my first today one said?
Yes, that’s right. Even Dove® knows what I need to hear/listen to/read.
And here’s the second one; it’s a good one, too:
A couple of messages that are good for me to remember today – I’m sharing them in case they’re good for you, too.
Chin up! Go have some chocolate! Even if you’re not feeling down… it’s chocolate! Go have some! 😀