Yup. The odometer turned over 270,000 miles this week.
That’s a lot of miles on the metal rolling thing with four wheels.
It has an oil leak that the mechanics tell me will cost more to repair than the vehicle is worth (and yes, by not fixing it, I do know I’m contributing to planet pollution) and there’s some weird clunky sound coming from underneath that no one can figure out exactly what it is. Other than that, it still runs great, gets the same gas mileage it’s been getting for years, and it’s big enough to hold all the stuff I want to put in it. I can drive it for hours and hours without feeling like I’ve been driving more than forty-five minutes and that’s a huge plus in my book.
So I think I’ll keep it for awhile longer.
It’s only a matter of time before it breaks down completely, because cars aren’t made to last forever, and I’ve already decided when that day comes, I’ll be living wherever that happens.
I can only hope it happens near a beach somewhere.
Guess that means I’ll be doing most of my driving along the coast 😀
Either that or some place I’ve never been before.
I think you just need to follow your intuition and that will lead you to where you are supposed to be, but I’m sure you already know that or you wouldn’t be where you are now! 🙂
Intuition is indeed a great thing, isn’t it? I’m not always good at listening to that little voice but I’m learning! Enjoy your day!
Hopefully that leak won’t increase and your car will be good for another go round of traveling places–such as driving down the coast towards Chino! 🙂 Going to Los Algodones Monday instead of Wed. as I was able to move my appointment in the am-so we won’t be driving through the hottest part of the day.
Hi Cyndi! I think the leak is as bad as it’s gonna get 😀
Glad you’re able to get down to Algodones on a little bit cooler part of the day.
Travel safe! Have fun and all that stuff!
We have a car that leaks oil, and it will cost lots to have the engine pulled to put in a new gasket. But we haven’t gone that route yet. Instead, the mechanic just plugged that gasket rim with ULTRA HEAVY DUTY GREASE and it has quit leaking. Just sayin’ . . . forge on 🙂
Hi Nancy! I’m glad your fix was so easy! I’ve already had both oil pan gaskets replaced, as well as the valve cover gasket and I can’t even remember all the other stuff that’s been done to try and fix it, including every kind of stop-leak known to man. Since none of those worked, the only thing left is the threads on the oil pump – it’s an $1800 job. My car isn’t even worth that much! It loses about a quart every thousand miles, which is a lot but it’s the way it is right now. I leave oil everywhere I park so I try to keep a pan or catch-er of some kind under it to minimize the stains in people’s driveways. There ya go 😀