I’m sitting in McCarren International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada, getting ready to fly up to Portland, Oregon, to spend the next couple of weeks over the Christmas holidays with my son and his family. Although I dearly love to
The Awesome, the Not-So-Hot, and the Downright Freaky – What a Week on the Road Can Look Like
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – or what I’d rather call the Awesome, the Not-So-Hot, and the Downright Freaky. It’s what this past week on the road looked like for me. Let’s start with that last bit, the
…in a Word Cloud
Playing a New Game, now in a word cloud, thanks to WordItOut. Click on the pic to open it in a new window to see those tiny, blurry-looking, hard-to-read words. Or do I just need new glasses? …and
Birthday Freebies – How to Add More Fun into Your Big Day
Once a year, after another go around the sun, we all celebrate a birthday. I love birthdays. I like to celebrate stuff and having a birthday is just one more excuse to find something to hoo haa about. Several years
A Sunny Saturday Morning
Something woke me up way earlier than usual this morning. It was the sun! Bright and shiny! Join Dinah Dog and me on a walk around the yard – enjoy the wonderful sunshine with us!
Geocaching in the Pacific Northwest – a Pictorial
Geocaching in the Pacific Northwest means being ready for anything – rain, sun, heights, narrow trails, muddy paths, creeks. You name it, it'll be out there, and if you plan on finding these little treasures all year long, go prepared.
How to Make a Macchiato
Start with a coffee shop that knows what a real macchiato is. (Hint: it’s NOT a tall glass filled with caramel and whipped cream on top of some milk and espresso.) Walk inside. Look to see if they list a